News & Notes


Partnership Gives Local Nonprofits A Stronger Foundation NNC 05/11/2022Wes Bowers/News-Sentinel Staff Writer
In an effort to magnify the impact of local philanthropy, Lodi Community Foundation announced this week that it will form a new partnership with Community Foundation of San Joaquin.
The partnership will be an affiliation agreement, the nonprofits said, and CFOSJ’s grantwriting expertise, as well as its administrative services, will help the Lodi foundation further expand its ability to support both donors and nonprofits.
In addition, CFOSJ will receive more than $5 million in charitable assets from Sacramento Region Community Foundation as part of the merger, allowing LCF’s charitable funds to be managed locally.
“Lodi Community Foundation owes its growth and successes these past 16 years to the incredible support and guidance of Sacramento,” LCF board chair John Ledbetter said in a Tuesday media statement. “With this move to San Joaquin, we’ll have a local philanthropic partner working with us to improve the lives of all Lodians.”
The decision to merge with CFOSJ comes after years of collaboration on a variety of local events and efforts, including the annual Community Philanthropy Summit hosted in Lodi.The event brings local nonprofits, businesses and residents together to discuss how to more successfully encourage the community to donate to special causes.
In addition, the two organizations have worked together to support Lodi nonprofits through Jumpstart, CFOSJ’s program that provides local nonprofits with the tools needed to build fundraising capacity to sustain their own programs.
Most recently, LCF granted $5,000 to nine Lodi nonprofits through CFOSJ’s annual 209Gives virtual fundraising event.
“We can help Lodi nonprofits be better informed about local programs and resources available to them,” Ledbetter said. “It’s the right time for our organizations to make this move.”
The LCF was established in 2005 to help accomplish the philanthropic goals of the Lodi community effectively, efficiently and in a sustainable manner. Its mission is to advocate and facilitate charitable giving to create lasting legacies that build a stronger Lodi community.
For more information, visit The CFOSJ partners with donors to advance the public good through philanthropy, as well as build a healthy and prosperous community by promoting equity and supporting community connectivity. Over the last two years, the organization granted out more than $5 million to mostly local nonprofits to support a range of community needs.
“This new partnership between our two foundations will enhance collaboration to expand our collective impact,” CFOSJ CEO Moses Zapien said in Tuesday’s media statement. “We look forward to working together to support the local donor and nonprofit communities to improve the lives of our residents.”

The mission of the Lodi Community Foundation is to advocate and facilitate charitable giving to create lasting legacies that build a strong Lodi community.

Welcome to the winter 2022 edition of News and Notes, the Lodi Community Foundation's premier E-newsletter.
Our newsletter is a summary of recent news stories, trends, and research on what's happening in the world of philanthropy. From the latest updates to best practices, we are happy to provide the info you need to give with impact.
John Ledbetter, ChairLodi Community Foundation

In this Issue....

  1. In the News: CFOSJ Partnership
  2. National Philanthropy Day and Community Foundation Week
  3. "Heard Through the Grapevine"
  4. Community Philanthropy Summit
  5. Industry Experts
  6. Stop Right There: Trivia
Top 10 Most-Read Philanthropic Blog Posts of 2022
Amidst exclaims of “where has the year gone!” and well wishes for the holiday season, the year’s end has arrived. With that, ‘tis the season for end-of-year lists. In this post, Chloe Heskett, Editor & Writer shares the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s (CEP) own end-of-year list: the top 10 most-read blog posts of 2022.

National Philanthropy Day & Community Foundation WeekLocal Giving

Over 1,000 community foundations and nonprofits across America celebrated National Philanthropy Day on Nov. 15, a special day set aside every to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy – and those people active in the philanthropic community – to the enrichment of our world.
“We have seen the increased impact community foundations and philanthropic giving have made on the lives of our community members", said Board members of the Lodi Community Foundation.
“Our goal is to celebrate local philanthropy and connect donors and nonprofits. We are more determined than ever to advocate and facilitate charitable giving to create lasting legacies that build a stronger Lodi community. "
National Philanthropy Day (NPD) was originally conceived and organized by Douglas Freeman in the 1980s, and the first official events were held in 1986 after the president signed the official proclamation. National Philanthropy Day celebrates the endless daily contributions that individuals and organizations across the world make to countless causes and missions.
Community Foundation Week, created in 1989 by former president George H.W. Bush, recognizes the important work of community foundations throughout America and their collaborative and innovative approach to working with the public, private, and nonprofit sector.
Through the Lodi Community Foundation, individuals and families have made charitable gifts to forever impact local nonprofits through permanent funding for charitable causes.
To learn more about how the Foundation is making a difference in your area, visit
All donations are tax deductible.
On November 15, Shelby Young is presented a check from the Lodi Community Foundation standing on the porch of Lodi House's newest transitional housing property.
November 21, LCF/SJCF-Community Health Fund grant to support LOEL Meals on Wheels Program.

Heard it through the Grapevine

Winning ticket

Brian Woodle always wanted to own and operate an automobile repair shop, so while he and his wife were raising their family, he scrimped and saved to make his dream come true. But, as it turned out, he didn’t really need to do that. On the very day he opened his shop in Callahan, Florida (U.S.), Woodle discovered that he’d bought a winning lottery ticket. Purchased at a convenience store for a mere $5, the ticket wound up being worth $1 million (USD). While the hard work of saving money will always be worthwhile, having this much of a head start on a new business venture always helps.

2022 Community Philanthropy Summit

The 2022 Community Philanthropy Summit was a great success. Over 200 non-profit leaders, volunteers and professionals alike, participated in workshops on board governance, the use of social media in fundraising, and non-profit leadership. Plus participants were inspired by the presentation from Terri Sjodin.
Join us next year at the 11th Community Philanthropy on April 27, 2023!
Gates Foundation pledges $1.4 billion to help smallholder farmers:
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a four-year, $1.4 billion pledge to help smallholder farmers address the immediate and long-term impacts of climate change.Announced this week during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, the foundation’s pledge reiterated African leaders’ calls for countries to rapidly scale finance for climate adaptation. To that end, the commitment will fund immediate action and long-term initiatives to help smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia build resilience and food security by spurring African-led innovation to build a pipeline of climate-smart agriculture projects, new applications of digital technologies, climate-smart innovations for smallholder livestock farming, and support for women smallholder farmers to capitalize on their untapped potential.
According to the foundation More than two billion people depend on smallholder farms for food and income, yet less than 2 percent of global climate finance is devoted to helping these farms adapt to climate change. Moreover, food and economic crises will last longer and become more severe as climate threats escalate and further threaten food security by limiting smallholder farmers’ yields and resilience.
To improve the livelihoods of rural women in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, the foundation is deepening its ongoing partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to scale initiatives that empower women farmers, support innovations at the nexus of gender and climate adaptation, and increase climate finance that gives rural women better access to the climate-smart resources they need to strengthen food systems. In addition, to accelerate the development of new adaptation innovations, the foundation is continuing to work with a coalition of partners to double the budget for the CGIAR agriculture research system. The CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy initiative partners with African research institutes, local businesses, and farmer organizations. Together, they are using big data, analytics, and digital platforms to deliver insights that can boost incomes, food security, and ecosystem health in smallholder farming communities.
“The effects of climate change have already been devastating, and every moment the world delays action, more people suffer, and the solutions become more complex and costly,” said Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman. “Our commitment will help smallholder farmers adapt today and build resilience for the future. It is essential for this climate summit to produce bold commitments that address immediate and long-term needs. Leaders must listen to the voices of African farmers and governments to understand their priorities and respond with urgency.”

"Gates Foundation calls for bold and immediate action at COP27, announces new commitment to meet the climate adaptation needs of smallholder farmers."
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation press release 11/07/2022

Industry Experts

More Upbeat Data

Despite ongoing economic pressures, most Fidelity Charitable donors plan to give more to charity in 2022. Fidelity Charitable, an independent public charity and the nation’s largest grantmaker, has released data illustrating the significant concern donors feel about economic volatility in 2022. Fidelity Charitable has nearly 300,000 donors, with grants made to over 350,000 non-profits since it opened its doors in 1991. Nearly 75% of Fidelity Charitable donors are concerned about others in their communities and their ability to weather an economic downturn, while 64% are concerned about non-profits. And these worries are inspiring greater giving; 59% of donors say they are considering giving more to charity this year. While the vast majority of Fidelity Charitable donors use their donor-advised funds to regularly support the same charities, 57% also say they have used their accounts to respond to an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis. Donor-advised funds enable donors to create a reserve of funds exclusively earmarked for charitable giving, which they can tap to support urgent needs. Donors can make contributions to their funds in more favorable economic times and then recommend grants immediately or over time. This can help insulate donors’ giving from market pressures and create a sustaining source of funding for charities, even when it’s less favorable to give out of pocket.
December 2022 Newsletter-Jim EskinStratagems is published monthly by Jim Eskin, Founder of Eskin Fundraising Training, LLC. (

'Stop Right There!': Trivia & Fun Facts

  1. What year was Charles de Gaulle elected president of France?
  2. The dune buggy was invented by _____.
  3. On which continent is the mountain range Annamese Cordillera?
  4. Which flying bird has the largest wingspan?
  5. Niagara Falls is located in New York (U.S.) and what Canadian province?
Fun Facts:
Here is an interesting fun fact submitted by our Board Member Louis Ponick:
“If each person in the U.S. chose to eat meat-free and dairy-free for one day a week, it would have the same environmental impact as taking 7.6 million cars off the road. Additionally, it takes about 460 gallons of water to make one quarter-pound beef patty—that’s the equivalent of taking 23 showers! And, if the whole world shifted toward plant-based diets, we could save up to 75% of global farmland. That’s an area the size of the U.S., China, Australia and the EU combined.”

Why did the bike stop donating?

Trivia Answers: 1=1958, 2=Bruce Meyers, 3=Asia, 4= Wandering Albatross, 5= Ontario, Canada.Bonus= It was 2 tired.
Time is Ticking on 2022 Giving -Make the Most of Giving Season
It's not too late! Start now and maximize your 2022 deductions.The clock is ticking on charitable giving for 2022!
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Lodi Community Foundation